Our chewing gum removal team cleaning a driveway
Chewing gum removal services
JV Price provides a nationwide service for chewing gum removal to town centres, retail parks, car parks, train and bus stations, supermarkets, and any other place where there is an unsightly amount of chewing gum on concrete.
Chewing gum removal from concrete, paving slabs, tarmac, block paving, wood and stone is easy with our chewing gum removal equipment. The gum is dissolved and then we blast the area with steam. The chemicals that we use are PH neutral so there is nothing left to clean up, making it a faster job than using harsh chemicals.
We currently work for some of the UK’s leading property management companies, high street names and local councils. Unlike other chewing gum removal companies, we’re so confident we have the solution to your chewing gum problem that we will arrange to clean a trial area of your choosing.
Our team utilises the latest in multi-pressure, low water usage, surface cleansing technology, capable of renewing large pedestrian areas, pavements, car parks, playgrounds and sports facilities in no time at all. Our latest chewing gum removal machine, which uses high pressure steam, is capable of recovering 97% of the water used, making this the most environmentally friendly operation available.
The water we recycle is filtered, removing suspended particles down to five microns, at a rate of up to 55 litres per minute. The remaining contaminated sludge is removed from the site for environmental disposal, with no risk of re-contamination.